One of the simplest way is to recruit as many soldiers as you can and then start to attack. As the enemy will tend to defend, you have more opportunites to use rear assualts. In this example,
However, since Anise's war ability is 60 below Terian, You will still lose more soldiers than your enemy with rear assults. In the below picture, even though you
started by attacking Terian's horsemen at rear with overwhelming numbers, with additional help from your archer, you still suffer from more damage in terms of no. of soldiers after elimiating the enemy horsemen.
The best way is to minimize crossfires. Fight only if it is unavoidable. If you can block the enemy archer from entering the flag zones like the above screen, the enemy archer cannot attack and will even block the other enemy
troops from protecting the flag. On the other hand, you can hit the flag defender with your archers with no cost at all. This greatly save the crossfires. Note especially the importance of blocking the enemy 5th unit ! Given the great
difference in war ability, the enemy 5th unit can destroy your whole army by itself !
Good timing and positioning is essential. In the above screen, after moving the archer to shoot at the flag defender (HP:1) and capturing the flag with your horsemen, you will end the tough battle with victory.
However, do NOT expect that the enemy ruler will join your force despite of the fact that everybody has no heirs.Common Techniques for Penbroke
The ruler of Penbroke, Anise, has the lowest war ability in Gemfire's history. Though you don't have any immediate threat from other families, you are going to be
owned if you attack like other rulers. Even though you may bring overwhelming number of troops to attack, the battles can be extremely costly. Therefore, the main issue is to minimize casualties during every battle.